L’agenda du Green Business

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  • Les événements de la semaine du 31 octobre
Mercredi 2
Jeudi 3
Vendredi 4
Samedi 5


> Conférence partenaire : 5th ECN Crowdfunding Convention

5th-ecn-crowdfunding-convention-banner2016 is proving to be a hot year for crowdfunding and alternative finance globally. Brexit and its possible effects on crowdfunding, Lending Club’s scandal and its impact on P2P lending, the potential of block chain technology for crowdfunding are just a few of the discussions that shaped the first half of this year and will animate the 5th ECN Crowdfunding Convention. This high-level event, which is a reference meeting for the pan-European crowdfunding ecosystem, will gather experts and professionals from all over Europe to discuss these and many other topics. See the full agenda here

Pour les abonnés GU Premium, GU Pro et GU Start-up de GreenUnivers : réduction de 20% sur l’inscription (hors membership). Merci d’envoyer un mail à [email protected] pour recevoir votre code de réduction. 
  • Les événements de la semaine du 7 novembre
Lundi 7
  • Cop22, Conférence des Parties de la Convention-Cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques, Marrakech 2016
Mardi 8
Mercredi 9

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